Encountering the “You can only send messages to mutual contacts at the moment” error in Telegram can be disappointing when trying to connect with a new contact. Wondering why this error occurred? This guide will clarify all your doubts and guide you on resolving this Telegram issue. Keep reading to find out more.
If your Telegram account has been flagged for inappropriate content or spam, you might face temporary restrictions. This could involve limits on messaging new contacts. While you can still chat with mutual contacts (those saved on both ends), conversing with individuals who haven’t saved your number is restricted. This limitation extends to finding and joining new groups on Telegram.
Account restrictions may also result from violating Telegram’s community guidelines and terms of service. If you believe your account was unfairly flagged, take prompt action using the following methods:
1. Utilize Spam Info Bot for Restoring Access
To regain full functionality for your restricted Telegram account, reaching out to the Spam Info Bot is highly beneficial. This bot can assist you in checking active account restrictions and providing a detailed explanation of why they were imposed. If you think Telegram incorrectly flagged your account, you can follow the bot’s guidance to lift the restrictions.
- Access Telegram and tap on the Search icon located in the top-right corner.
- Search for and open the Spam Info Bot.
- Click on Start.
- Wait a few seconds to view your account status. Restricted accounts will receive a detailed message explaining the reasons behind the restrictions along with a support link.
- If the bot denies any account restriction but you believe it is incorrect, select But I can’t message non-contacts.
- Opt for Skip and proceed to volunteers.
- In addition, select Yes, redirect me to engage with a volunteer directly.
- Detail the account restriction issue and comply with the instructions to resolve it.
3. Hold on Patiently
Telegram usually lifts account restrictions within 24-48 hours, reinstating full access automatically. Extended restrictions may occur due to repeat violations or offenses, prolonging the duration to days or weeks. We advise patience and refraining from Telegram usage during this period to rectify your account status.
4. Transition to Telegram X
For a smoother browsing experience, consider using Telegram X, a standout Telegram client app. Test messaging non-mutual contacts through Telegram X to check for success. It’s available for download on Google Play and the iOS App Store.
Alternatively, attempt accessing Telegram from your computer to troubleshoot the issued faced.
5. Request Non-Mutual Contacts to Initiate Contact
If your restricted Telegram account needs communication with a new contact, request them to send you a message first. Upon receiving their message, save them as a contact to grant mutual contact status, enabling interaction with your restricted account.
To save a new contact on Telegram, access the new message and navigate to the top to find the New Contact option. Select New Contact, input the necessary details, and tap Create.
Solving Telegram Concerns with Ease
Telegram prioritizes user safety, yet occasional account flags or reports may lead to message restrictions. Resolving such restrictions typically involves waiting out the set limitation period, usually lasting a few days or weeks. Utilizing the official bot or contacting Telegram support per the provided methods in this guide can also aid in resolution.
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